Sensation in Motion Lab At San Diego State University


The lab is instrumented to record kinetics and kinematics of upper limb and finger movements. To that end, we have a number of 6-axis force/torque sensors from ATI Industrial Automation (Nano-17 and Axia 80) for recording finger and hand forces. We primarily use 3D printing to build custom fixturing to mount sensors in the lab environment and mount stimuli on the sensors. We also have a high speed rotary stage from Griffin Motion for stimulus presentation, head-mounted eye tracker (Pupil Labs), wireless sEMG systems (Delsys Trigno for bulk EMG and Delsys Galileo with MU decomposition capabilities), and an Optitrack V120:Trio tracking bar for turnkey visual tracking of simple upper limb kinematics.

Shared resources co-located in lower annex include a 16-channel wireless EMG system (Delsys Trigno), two fixed forceplates (AMTI), and a reconfigurable 9-camera motion capture volume (Qualisys).